How to Correctly Repair a Pitchmark
This article first appeared on in Jun 2017
Many golfers do not take the time to do the simple task of repairing pitchmarks, to the detriment of the course.
Repairing a ball mark makes a huge difference when you’re looking at the presentation of a course and who knows, it could be you that ends up having to putt over an indentation in the surface.
But getting the technique right is more important than you may think. By pushing the bottom of the divot upwards, you can end up tearing the roots, which kills the grass.
Instead, take your ball mark repair tool and insert the prongs into the turf at the edge of the depression. Then push the edge of the tool towards the center in a gentle twisting motion.
By inserting the prongs vertically and twisting them, you’ll actually introduce air directly downwards into the soil, which helps the roots grow stronger, rather than damaging them by using the tool as a lever to push the bottom of the mark back upwards.
Ball mark repairing makes a real difference to the quality of course greens, both in the health of the turf and the consistency of the playing surface, all of which leads to a more enjoyable playing experience.
So remember:
Right – use the prongs to push grass at the edge of the depression toward the center
Wrong – use the prongs as levers to push up the bottom of the depression